The Kermit Gosnell Trial

If you run in pro-life circles, you’ve probably heard much discussion about Kermit Gosnell and his impending trial. If you’ve been watching the mainstream media, you’ve probably heard very little to no mention of this case. Gosnell faces 8 counts of murder–7 babies and one woman; and to say that his Pennsylvania “clinic” was unsanitary would be putting it in the absolute mildest of terms. I’ll spare you any further details in the post, but here’s some basic information to get you caught up on the case. Brace yourselves. It’s truly horrific.

The Gosnell trial has received little to no attention from the mainstream media. In the courtroom in which the case was heard last week, this was the reserved media seating:


The Twitterverse sprung into action in an effort to end the media blackout and #Gosnell was trending for much of the day on Friday, April 12.

The silence from supposed journalists and the President, too, is absolutely deafening. The media has a job to do in reporting shattering stories like these. During the election, we couldn’t get away from the “pro-woman” rhetoric coming from certain candidates and media outlets. That definition of “pro-woman” was one characterized by providing free and easy access to abortions and contraceptives courtesy of the American taxpayer. But is it really pro-woman to turn a blind eye to a horrific case such as this? When women die from abortions, get diseases from the carelessness and uncleanliness of clinics allowed to exist and run in the most deplorable of conditions such as the Kermit Gosnell case, is that really watching out for “women’s rights”?

When a tragedy occurs, it is common and expected, even, for public policy makers to politicize the tragedy to effect change. After tragedies like the Sandy Hook shooting we had, and still have, lawmakers and other public figures calling for change to prevent such a thing from ever happening again. President Obama made sincere and touching remarks about the children who were so tragically lost. But what about the children lost in this tragedy, children whose faces we will never see on the nightly news, but children whose lives were brutally taken? But it seems like this case is being treated as “just another murder.” I’m still waiting for this tragedy to be politicized to protect women and babies from the devastating and lethal act of abortion.

Why the deafening silence? Pro-choice blogger Megan McArdle answers that question:

“… Moreover, surely those of us who are pro-choice must worry that this will restrict access to abortion: that a crackdown on abortion clinics will follow, with onerous white-glove inspections; that a revolted public will demand more restrictions on late-term abortions; or that women will be too afraid of Gosnell-style crimes to seek a medically necessary abortion.”

So, the pro-choice camp appears to favor protecting abortion above all else. If too much scrutiny is applied to this case, it’ll bring about questions as to how regulated and how restricted the abortion “industry” should be and that, pro-choicers fear, will bring about restrictions on abortion. Absolutely baffling.

On another note, believe it or not, Planned Parenthood “condemned” the actions of Kermit Gosnell on Twitter and stated that he should be “punished to the full extent.” Really?

In March, if you remember, a Planned Parenthood representative testified against the Infants Born Alive bill in the Florida House of Representatives. This bill would provide for medical care for babies born alive after a failed abortion. A PP representative stood on the Florida House floor and stated that the decision as to what to do with a baby born alive after a failed abortion should be left up to the mother and doctor.

Aside from being cleaner (but even that’s up for debate…consider this PP facility in Delaware), I echo Lila Rose in asking how is what Planned Parenthood does any different? And how can PP condone not providing care to babies after botched abortions one minute, and then condemn actions such as that of Kermit Gosnell the next? If Planned Parenthood is so appalled, why don’t they call for more regulation and restriction on the abortion industry? Why don’t they call on the media to shed more light on the horrors of the Gosnell trial? They won’t, because doing so would bring more scrutiny upon abortion as a whole and, as they perceive it, would “threaten” access to abortions.

I’m shocked as to how one can remain pro-choice and claim to be “pro-woman” after hearing this story and not batting an eye. The devastating facts of the Gosnell case, and of the abortion industry in general, need to be thrust into the public sphere for discussion and debate. Because when you see the facts, you see that abortion is not safe, it is not pro-woman, it is not a legitimate medical procedure, but rather it is an inherently vile practice–devastating for the mother, and fatal for the child. Pray for all involved and affected by this case.